Support for breastfeeding


Doula Services


If you are struggling with breastfeeding we are available to help. It is our goal to help you to put theory into practice, have a deeper understanding of the way breastfeeding really works, clear up any myths or misconceptions that you have about breastfeeding and help you with any challenges that you may encounter in your breastfeeding relationship. We can usually see you same day for breastfeeding support.

$120.00 per single home visit

$500.00 for bulk package of five (5) home visits


Our doula services are full spectrum. We offer birth doula, postpartum doula and night owl doula services.

As doulas, we provide you with trauma informed, evidence based, up to date information which will help you make informed decisions around your birth experience. We also have training in nervous system regulation techniques and practices to help you feel safe, seen, secure and soothed throughout your experience. As your birth doula, we meet with you prenatally as many times as you need to in order to feel comfortable with the relationship. We stay with you throughout your labour and support you in how you want to birth. After delivery we make sure that you are comfortable in how your baby is feeding and that you are feeling settled before we leave. We check in with you and are still on call for you in the postpartum, ensuring that you are comfortable in those first weeks. We support you in infant feeding, how you are feeling emotionally and help with the transition to parenting as your birth doula. Our birth doula fee is often covered at least in part by most extended health care benefit packages. Our birth doula rate is $1500.

Postpartum Doula Services: Our postpartum doulas take care of you and help you with baby care. We provide emotional support, infant care support and do light housekeeping and meal preparation. We also help care for other children in the transition to the adjustment with the new family member.

Our postpartum doula rate is $32 an hour.

Night Owl Doula Services: Our night owl doula (night nurse) services allow you to sleep while babe is cared for! We also provide feeding support and emotional care for you in our overnight services. We understand new parents are exhausted and we help normalize infant sleep patterns and provide you with education and support in how to get better sleep.

Our night owl (night nurse) doula rate is $38 an hour.

CALM BABY Consults

Our Calm Baby consults help you to understand exactly what your baby is going through from a developmental standpoint and why they are crying, hard to settle, upset or struggling with something. We will work with you to understand what is happening with feeding, sleeping, stimulation and teach you how to build pressure valves, decompression time and a calmer environment for your baby. Nervous system regulation techniques and tools will also be shared to help the whole family feel better!

Email Carol at to set up a calm baby consult.

One hour session and email followup. $105.00




Parents are really tired. We get that. Night time parenting is exhausting. We also get that. Society tells parents that their babies should be sleeping through the night. Parents get stressed if this doesn’t happens. There are far too many unrealistic expectations on parents and babies and we want to deconstruct them Babies need help to feel safe to sleep. Babies do not need to be taught how to sleep because it is a biological function. Leaving babies to cry on their own raises cortisol levels in their brains and puts stress on their nervous systems. It also affects their attachment to their primary care givers.

In our 8 week support program, we do a one hour call with you and then stay in touch with you daily to help you:

*Deconstruct misinformation about sleep

*Understand where your baby is at developmentally

*Create co regulation and ways to help your baby feel safe

*Educate you on safe sleeping practices

*Help you understand why your baby is sleeping or not sleeping the way they are. Work together to get everyone better sleep.

This program is $350 for the 8 weeks of support and education. Email Carol at to register.